
Showing posts from February, 2016

Continual learning on 21st Century

As mentioned in a previous paper-based assignment (as written by me, Daniel C, 2015) completed for this class;  " Most of these literacies that have developed sprout from many interdisciplinary criteria that students can learn and invoke upon the world. These criterion`s are based upon what global inquiries lay within our current knowledge as well as how this shapes the 21 st century. As the world is advancing, the literacies have been categorized into nine different yet transverse understandings, comprising of; Multicultural, Moral, Mental Health, Media, Global, Financial, Environmental, Digital, and Critical literacies. With the curriculum methods being put into place by the Ministry, the educators have been prepared to teach by recognizing and adapting the big ideas, big understandings, and big skills. Finally, once educational professionals teach the interdisciplinary literacies in their classroom students can be well educated and become 21 st century multi-literate adv...